Hi Lions,
Please Congratulate Courtney Vega as she is our Division 41 South Kiwanis Family Task Coordinator! If you too would like to be a task coordinator, it is not too late... but apply soon! The Task Coordinator Application is below:
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Please Congratulate Courtney Vega as she is our Division 41 South Kiwanis Family Task Coordinator! If you too would like to be a task coordinator, it is not too late... but apply soon! The Task Coordinator Application is below:
If you have trouble viewing or submitting this form, you can fill it out online:
CHALLENGE: Division 41 South are looking for 7 Lions to step up and be task coordinators! These individuals will be placed either on a Key Club or Kiwanis sponsored group to receive updates of their assigned topic to become more aware--experts-- on these topics and to share the information within the division. These individuals will be responsible for keeping current with their topic as well as becoming teachers of their knowledge -- for example, at DCMs they will be asked to share some tidbits learned that month as well as help to promote division events concerning their topic. These task coordinators are vital to our division as they will become experts at their field and will contribute greatly to educating all fellow Lions. It is completely fine if you aren't already an expert, the point of becoming a task coordinator of a certain topic is to learn more about that topic and to spread that knowledge to the division -- Please don't be deterred if you know none of the topics, you'll learn about them quickly! APPLICATION TO BE A 2012-2013 DIVISION 41 SOUTH TASK COORDINATOR WILL CLOSE OCTOBER 22 SEPTEMBER AT 6PM PROMPTLY!Powered by Google Docs Report Abuse - Terms of Service - Additional Terms
On the Prowl for Service,
Hannah Tuong
Lieutenant Governor '12-'13
Tesoro High School
Division 41 South Lions, Region 3
Email: d41s.cnhkc.ltg@gmail.com
Cell: (949) 742-4196****
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